Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh Elektromagnet!!

gler kentang susahnye elektromagnet nih.. macam kena hempap apa jer kat kpala aku nih nak siapkan tutorial die.. hmmm cemane nak pass wif flying colors yer sem nih...

yang paling menakutkan bebudak batch aku yang amik subjek ni sem lepas paling tnggi pun dpat B- jer.. tuh pun budak 4flat matriks tuh... apetah kan lagi aku yang sekerdil ini.. ehekkss.. kerdil la sangat..huhuhu

to my sayang.. thanks for being such a helpful lovely person to me in solving the problems... more or less it do help me to trace the way... i know it seems very impossible for me to pass for this subject if i often say benda nih susahlaaa... but it really reallyyy susah... but i will try and i already try my best.. emmm.. i'm sorry if u feel uncomfortable with it..

ahaaa.. here got a very glad-to-hear information that i get from one of my member who took this subject last sem... she looked at the question and compared with their final questions.. thank god she said theirs are easier than this!
i hope my turn gonna be more more more more easier than benda susah nih... but at the same time i have to study smartly..... insyaAllah..pray for me!! ;)


SyaHrIR said...

the starting point is u have to start to believe u can do it.. i know u can do it and there is nothing can stop you from doing it